Got SQL? Want an API?

SQL to API is what you want. Instant, easy, and free for most use cases.

Try it out:

We'll run the query you provide against your database. Postgres only, but MySQL support and more is on the way.

Don't have a database handy? Try this one.

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About Sql To Api A no-pain Api from your database query

Create a web-accessible api from a database query in about 30 seconds.

Want to expose some data from a database as an api? Need to feed some software-as-a-service an http endpoint? You could spin up an AWS lambda function with AWS API gateway - it's only about 10 minutes of futzing with AWS's web console. Then another 20 to debug it when you realize the IAM permissions are doing something unintuitive. Then another 15 to find the right cloudwatch logs to figure out why it's not working. Then another...

Or you could fill out the form at the top of this page. There is no second step.

Give us the connection info to your database and a query. We'll give you a url you can hit to get the results of that query.

Frequently asked questions

Got more questions? Reach out!

Why is only Postgres supported?
We're working on it! Mysql support is coming soon. If you're looking for other database support, let us know. We'll be prioritizing features based on demand.
What's your business model?
Fair question! Short answer: there'll be a paid tier at some point with fancier features for more advanced use cases.
Ok, but how can you afford to run this for free?
Through the magic of ✨Serverless✨! Really, though, we've architected this so that we can support free users indefinitely, even with significant load.
Who's behind this?
Sql to Api was created by Kevin Kuchta.
Wait, aren't you that guy? Is this another joke?
The team behind SqlToApi is known for a few silly projects that became mildly popular, but most of the time they build normal, boring, useful code. This is the latter.
What's up with the royal "We" here?
Although Kevin Kuchta is the primary creator of SqlToApi, our other team member made invaluable contributions.
What features are coming up?
More database types. Support for query params / request bodies. Non-json output formats. We've got so many ideas! Let us know if there's something that would make Sql To Api more useful to you.

Contact Us

Got questions? Comments? Concerns? Recipes? Jokes, anecdotes, or points of historical interest? We're almost always glad to hear from you! Email works too.